
The telecom marketplace for the past 20 years has been in a state of change and will be into the foreseeable future.

With all that flux, you cannot survive without flexibility. So VLM designed an object-oriented database-driven software package that is designed to be versatile from the inside out. Nothing in the market is as easy to use or as flexible.

Your customer service rep or sales agents can instantly find any customer, any transaction. They can provision new phone numbers, products, service territories, carriers. They can deliver invoices in any language or currency, answer questions and service accounts around the world.

VLM support and billing services are flexible, too. We'll custom design your look -- your brand -- and print your invoices in full color. We'll help you mine data from the internet or any database source for your expansion or initial setup -- quickly.

You can count on us to keep you at the cutting edge.


If you do billing in-house, your billing process will become more streamlined.

When VLM joins your team, your staffing and equipment requirements as well as stress level goes down. Your entire business stabilizes. As you focus on the things that make you money, you begin to rely on consistent, orderly delivery of all your invoices to your clients... and consistent, orderly cash flow coming back into your bank account.

When you rely on VLM, your marketing efforts will become more versatile as your billing process becomes more stable. We can confidently predict that your entire company will become more versatile and stable as you focus on your sales and customer service. Let VLM do what we do best: the telecom billing.